Sunday, January 17, 2010

Moonbattery at it's finest

2010 is starting off so brilliantly. The left-wing moonbats are all going off the deep end. In the past week Ed Shultz of one of the irrelevant NBC news networks came out saying that he would cheat the elections in Massachusetts to keep Scott Brown form winning. Danny Glover blamed our failure to get something done in Denmark for the devastating earthquake in Haiti. And my favorite happened over the weekend: Cindy Sheehan (former darling of the Left) held a protest against the CIA and then later tried to protest in front of former V.P. Dick Cheney's house.

Sheehan's new focus is on our use of drones to fight the Al-qaeda and the Taliban in Afghanistan and Pakistan. How does Dick Cheney have anything to do with what is happening now? This is all on Obamao now. Sheehan has gone so far  over the edge, she should be put down like a sick pet. Every time she opens her mouth she disgraces the memory of her son who gave his life in service of our country in a time of war.

The Left seems to be coming apart at the seams. If Scott Brown wins "Ted Kennedy's seat" in the Senate, unlikely as that would seem, it could help destroy the dangerous Left-wing cabal controlling Congress. Chairman Maobama's health care takeover could be stopped in it's tracks which would cause such a hissy-fit that could very well break the Dems.

As depressing as everything going on in our country is right now, I feel real "hope and change" coming. Just not the socialist kind Obamao had envisioned. I am so looking forward to more of the mental breakdowns of the Left in the coming months.

The A