Monday, January 4, 2010

Jihad is not terrrorism????

One of the 5 captured American Muslims in Pakistan revealed his defense in court.
Ramy Zamzam told the AP outside the courtroom "We are not terrorists. We are Jihadists and Jihad is not terrorism."  Now that is a novel approach. Just think about that statement for a moment.

What is Jihad? The very basic tenets of Jihad coincide extremely well with terrorism. In fact the whole expansion of the cancer that is Islam was spread through jihad/terrorism. According to the Koran and the Hadiths and the Sura, Jihad is the duty of all Muslims. That duty is to kill, convert or enslave all non-believers. The Islamic enablers in the West have distorted the meaning of "Jihad" to make you think that this is some sort of "inner spiritual struggle". This is easily disproved by going to any Muslim country and asking the question. They will tell you "Jihad" is war on the infidels.

According to the so-called holy books of Islam, there are no limits to what can be done to the infidels. In fact, it says in the Koran "to slay them(infidels) wherever you find them". So in the minds of the uneducated masses of Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Gaza, the West Bank and all other Islamic countries it is perfectly acceptable to blow up innocent women and children on buses and planes or anywhere else you can find them, as long as they are infidels.

The books that guide our Islamic enemies do not abide by the modern or even ancient rules of war. This is a big problem for all free societies in that because we hold ourselves to a higher standard we can't fight them with the same vigor. It will take something, perhaps many things, worse than 9/11 for the Western world to accept the fact that this war will not be pretty or tidy or fast. Make no mistake, Islam is at war with us. The white guilt ingrained in us, begs us not to repeat the Crusades. Should we should feel bad about the necessary evils our ancestors undertook centuries ago? Seeing as how they didn't finish the job and wipe the Mohamedans off the face of the Earth. I say NO.

The enemy is Islam and all that it stands for. Our right to believe in something other than Allah is at stake. We have funded Islam with money for oil for too long now. The easiest way to cripple them would be to drill for our own vast reserves of oil on our own freaking continent and bomb the rag heads back to the 7th century(where they want to live anyway).

The A

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