Monday, December 28, 2009

Political Correctness Will Kill You

 On Christmas day a 23 year old Nigerian Muslim "extremist" aided by Al-qaida in Yemen attempted to blow up an airliner. Even though he was on a U.S. terrorism watch list and his father had alerted authorities that his son was up to no good he managed to get on a U.S. bound flight with explosives on his person. How does something like this happen? This is an issue of national security and falls under the purview of the Dept. of Homeland Security. You would think that DHS would be run by someone with a military or law enforcement background. You and I would be absolutely 100% wrong in thinking that way. This is of course, the Obama Administration. The One, in all his glory, put a bureaucrat(lawyer) in charge of keeping America safe from terrorist attacks. Janet Napolitano is the former Governor of Arizona. She did a pretty good job there with all those illegals coming across her border from Mexico didn't she? I would laugh but this ain't funny.

The first time we heard from "Nappy" she had sent out a memo to be on guard against right-wing extremists (white American males who believe in God and have guns). Now, after this attempt by another follower of "the Religion of Peace", we must realize that the powers that be are not concerned for our safety. Maobama put out a statement saying that this was the actions of one isolated extremist. Nappy came out and said that the system worked. Of course she was high on meth when she said this and did a 180 the following day saying that the system failed. And of course after the statement by the Teleprompter-In-Chief made his asinine statement that this was the work of one man, Al-qaida in the Arabian Peninsula claimed responsibility.

Supposedly, the airports are now on heightened states of alert and readiness. What this means is, in our world of political correctness, more little old white Christian ladies will be strip searched at the airports while the dress wearing camel-jockeys carrying the Koran can go about their business. The ACLU and CAIR complain about racial profiling and discrimination against peace loving Muslims. The problem is that Muslims are not a race, therefore there can be no racial profiling in this case. Secondly, the only people in the world that target innocent civilians with these terrorist attacks are all MUSLIM.
Since September 11th, 2001 there have been almost 15,000 jihadist terror attacks around the world. All of these attacks have been carried out by the followers of Mohamed. Another attack along the lines of 9/11 is coming. Don't say you weren't warned.

The A

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Common Sense No Longer Exists

 The Socialists in Congress seem to think that we as Americans must have "universal health care" or we are doomed. The thought of the poor dieing in the streets makes their poor little hearts bleed. The fact that no one can be turned away for a medical emergency from any hospital in America escapes all on the side of granting the government more power to determine our fate is completely ignored.

Now, I will be the first to admit that health insurance is way to frigging expensive. However, there are many things that could be done to make health care affordable to the masses without giving up our freedoms and destroying the best health care system in the world. How about making all health care expenses tax deductable?  Wouldn't that make a little more sense than adding on to the largest national debt in history? Oh, but wait, that wouldn't be fair to the poor would it? You see Congress MUST get tax revenues from the wealthy/working class to pay for all of it's silly ass programs to keep the poor on their plantations. How about Congress not spending so much frikken money?!!

There are solutions to all of our national problems. Unfortunately, we don't have enough dedicated, strong-willed people in our government to do what must be done. The House passed their bill and now the Senate has passed their own. Fortunately for us, both bills are different and it will take an act of God for them to come to an agreement to pass such an abomination. The main similiarity in these bills is their lack of common sense and logic. Never mind the fact that over half the country is against both bills or any type of government take-over of health care.

I truly believe that any socialized health care system implemented by Congress would be absolutely unconstitutional. We can only hope if something like this is passed the Supreme Court would finally step up to the plate and actually do it's job. Yes, I'm well aware that people need good health care. The most glaring problem with the idea of these congressional plans is there is not one thing in the Constitution of these United States of America that says you have the right to free health care.

This whole subject thoroughly irritates me and now I have a headache or is it a tumor?! an aneurysm?! Oh crap, what will I do without the help of Obamao, Pelostink and Reid?!!!

The A

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Hope and Change?

 During the political campaigns of 2008 our country was promised among other things "honest leadership" and "transparency". So far that hasn't happened and won't happen until the likes of Sen. Harry Reid and Rep. Nancy Pelosi are well below ground. They promised to deliver jobs. Didn't happen. They promised to curb the deficit. Didn't happen. They promised health care for all, without adding to the deficit. Didn't happen and sure as hell will increase the deficit. They promised us they would post bills online so we could read them before they voted. Didn't happen much. They promise the Sun, the Moon and the stars and the people keep buying these empty promises.

Here's an idea. Vote every last one of them out in 2010 and 2012. I don't have an Ivy League education but the fact of the matter is I could do a hell of a lot better than any of the assclowns in Congress. How would I make the system better? Well, first and foremost, I would follow the Constitution to the letter. Something these morons have forgotten how to do. That being said here is a list of things that I feel we need to have happen to revitalize our nation.

1. Term limits on Congress. 2 terms equaling 8 total years in either the House or the Senate. Once you've served you are done. If you've served your allotted time in the House you will not be permitted to serve in the Senate and vice-versa.

2. Lobbyist groups will no longer be able to present gifts of any kind to any member of Congress or their families. Nor will they be able to contribute in any way to any campaign funds either on behalf of their group or personally. All lobbyists must be registered if they are found to be working as one and are not registered they should be fined up to 10 million dollars or face incarceration of up to 10 years. Their choice.

3. Concerning conflicts of interest. There are far too many in Congress that help pass bills that benefit themselves and their families directly(I'm talking about you John Murtha). Anything that appears to be a conflict of interest must be treated as one. Period.

4. Congressional pay must be capped and Congress must not have the power to raise their own pay. Talk about handing a loaded  gun to a toddler, only bad things can happen. If the idiots in Washington were really concerned with "serving the people", they wouldn't mind getting paid like a regular working stiff. Salary for both the House and the Senate should be no more than 60,000 a year. Hell you have to be rich to get elected in the first place, and since they don't actually work 5 days a week for at least 50 weeks a year they sure as hell don't deserve over 100,000 a year now do they?

That is just a little that could be done to fix Congress. And if you don't think these are worthwhile changes, just take a look at the approval ratings on our dear sweet morons in Congress. More to come from me on fixing our failed Republic.

The A

Monday, December 7, 2009

Another 9/11 WILL Happen

The failure of both our government and our media will lead us to another 9/11 sooner rather than later. In our politically correct society it is better to present falsehoods to the masses rather than slander a religion based on brutality. What does the media do when Islamists carry out an attack? They fall all over themselves trying to interview Muslim scholars. The problem is that they interview Muslim scholars here in America. The Muslims here living in the "House of War" will lie to put Islam in a better light. This is a practice known throughout Islam as "Taqiyya".
       "Taqiyya" is the religiously-sanctioned doctrine, with its origins in Shi'a Islam but now practiced by non-Shi'a as well, of deliberate dissimulation about religious matters that may be undertaken to protect Islam, and the Believers. A related term, of broader application, is "kitman," which is defined as "mental reservation." An example of "Taqiyya" would be the insistence of a Muslim apologist that "of course" there is freedom of conscience in Islam, and then quoting that Qur'anic verse -- "There shall be no compulsion in religion." {2:256} But the impression given will be false, for there has been no mention of the Muslim doctrine of abrogation, or naskh, whereby such an early verse as that about "no compulsion in religion" has been cancelled out by later, far more intolerant and malevolent verses. In any case, history shows that within Islam there is, and always has been, "compulsion in religion" for Muslims, and for non-Muslims.

It would make far better sense for the media to actually interview real-world experts on Islam such as: Noni Darwish, Robert Spencer, Hugh Fitzgerald, Bat Ye'or or Geert Wilders. But alas, the media is far too lazy which is why the vast majority of America and the rest of the civilised world remain unaware of the true threat we face.

There are currently somewhere between 26 and 40 active compounds of Jihadists training right here in the U.S. RIGHT NOW! Most people believe that Homeland Security and/or the FBI have them under surveillance. This could be true, but then again the powers that be knew about Maj. Nidal Hassan and the Fort Hood attack still happened. May I remind you that the Attorney General of these United States was part of the law firm that is helping defend many of the detainees held in GITMO? Has AG Eric Holder not given the masterminds of 9/11 the same constitutional rights that all American citizens enjoy? Even though none of them have ever been here.

Now here is where you say "but not all Muslims are bad." To which I say  "DON'T FOOL YOURSELF". Jihad is the duty of all righteous Muslims and can be best explained by the founder of The Muslim Brotherhood Hasan Al-Banna.
                           "All Muslims Must Make Jihad Jihad is an obligation from Allah on every Muslim and cannot be ignored nor evaded. Allah has ascribed great importance to jihad and has made the reward of the martyrs and the fighters in His way a splendid one. Only those who have acted similarly and who have modeled themselves upon the martyrs in their performance of jihad can join them in this reward. Furthermore, Allah has specifically honoured the Mujahideen {those who wage jihad} with certain exceptional qualities, both spiritual and practical, to benefit them in this world and the next. Their pure blood is a symbol of victory in this world and the mark of success and felicity in the world to come.
Those who can only find excuses, however, have been warned of extremely dreadful punishments and Allah has described them with the most unfortunate of names. He has reprimanded them for their cowardice and lack of spirit, and castigated them for their weakness and truancy. In this world, they will be surrounded by dishonour and in the next they will be surrounded by the fire from which they shall not escape though they may possess much wealth. The weaknesses of abstention and evasion of jihad are regarded by Allah as one of the major sins, and one of the seven sins that guarantee failure.
Islam is concerned with the question of jihad and the drafting and the mobilisation of the entire Umma {the global Muslim community} into one body to defend the right cause with all its strength than any other ancient or modern system of living, whether religious or civil. The verses of the Qur'an and the Sunnah of Muhammad (PBUH {Peace Be Unto Him}) are overflowing with all these noble ideals and they summon people in general (with the most eloquent expression and the clearest exposition) to jihad, to warfare, to the armed forces, and all means of land and sea fighting."
 I will continue to try and enlighten as many people as possible to the threats we face from the so-called "Religion of Peace".  Hopefully more people can wake from their slumber.

The A

Quotes taken from Islam 101.

A Day To Remember -December 7th, 1941

Today is the 68th Anniversary of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The act that finally got the U.S. off it's ass and into WWII. It was the beginning of a war that would eventually cost 416,000 American military members their lives. Please, if you know any of the surviving members of our armed forces from the Great War, thank them for their service and sacrifices.

The A

The Atheist's Man Of The Year- Andrew Breitbart

What a year it has been for Mr. Breitbart. With the success of , and a new "King of All Media" has been crowned. If you didn't notice it was Breitbart who along with Glenn Beck shined a light on the infamous community organiztion known as ACORN. It is quite clear from his visits to FoxNews, The Glenn Beck Show and RedEye that Andrew shares my hatred of all things Obamao.  For those of you not in the know, Mr. Breitbart helped get The Drudge Report going and then worked for The Huffington Post. His endeavors with BigHollywood and BigGovernment, I am sure are works of atonement for having anything to do with Arianna Huffington. I truly hope there are more people like Andrew Breitbart among us that will hold the media to the higher standards of the former greats like Edward R. Murrow.

The A

Friday, December 4, 2009

18 Months Until the White Flag Waves

The Chairman has spoken ...we will send 30,000 more troops to Afghanistan to take care of Al-qaeda. Never mind the fact that he gave Al-qaeda and their brothers in arms the Taliban a timetable on our withdrawal. Gee, is this how wars are won? In the real world you don't frigging tell the enemy when you are going to leave. I beleive our troops would agree that not giving the enemy your plans is rule #1 in warfare. What a complete dumbass...and the Libs said Bush was an idiot??!! Excuse me for being a little simple minded, but can we not all agree that surging troops and announcing our intention to leave in 18 months is a REALLY BAD IDEA. The ragheads we are fighting will be more than happy to stand down or at least scale back their attacks for the next 18 months. The wunderkind that is POTUS shows how little he actually knows about the rest of the world every time he makes a speech(or the teleprompter does it for him). Where is Lee Harvey Oswald when you need him? 2012 is auch a long way away. The damage this quota-baby does now will take decades to undo if we don't retake Congress from the Dems in 2010. I'm so thoroughly disgusted with the government and the sheeple who see Obamao as the great savior. Most of us saw something bad coming but this is gettin' downright scary.

The A

Monday, November 30, 2009

Top Stories Of The Year ....That the MSM Ignored

The argument that the so-called mainstream media is not a propaganda tool of the Left is surely over. Huge news exposing corruption in this country has come forth and it has not been reported by ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune or The L.A. Times. These stories have one thing in common: they make the Left look very bad.

The Global Warming/Climate Change crowd has been caught red-handed fudging numbers to make themselves appear to have factual data on their side. Has any of the aforementioned media outlets covered this story? The answer is a resounding NO!

One of Chairman Maobama's favorite Community Organizers (ACORN) was caught (on more than one occasion and more than one location) encouraging the setup of a brothel to be occupied by underage illegal aliens. Status of this story within the MSM: IGNORED.

Kenneth Gladney, an out of work man just trying to make some money by selling " Don't Tread On Me" merchandise  outside a townhall meeting in St.Louis, is brutally attacked by SEIU union thugs. The MSM is again silent even after it takes local prosecutors almost 3 months to file misdemeanor charges against the union members.

Finally for the last entry. Have you heard of Rifqa Bary? Probably not. She is a Christian convert from Islam. Her father threatened her with death because of this and she ran away from her home in Ohio to the safety of a Christian family in Florida. Under Sharia Law poor Rifqa is deemed an apostate and must either be imprisoned for the rest of her life or killed. This fact is indisputable as all facets of Islamic Law are quite clear on the punishment for apostasy. Hearings were held in Florida where the Ohio authorities claimed that Rifqa was in no danger if she was returned to her parents(who it just so happens are illegal immigrants from Sri Lanka). A final custody hearing has been set for late December. The mainstream media has been nonexistant in covering this story. Fox News has also not covered this, most likely due to the fact that the Saudi Royal family owns a stake in Newscorp.

If you want to get all of the news that is fit to print avoid the MSM and try the Internet's best news outlets.,, The Drudge Report, JihadWatch and Atlas Shrugs. There are many  reasons that the newspapers are dying but probably the most important reason is content or lack thereof.

The A

Friday, November 27, 2009

Happy Eid al-Adha

There are currently 3 million Muslims(Islamic fanatics) in Mecca, Saudi Arabia this week. The annual hajj is here again and all devout Muslims must attend this gathering at least once in their lifetime. Since this event coincides with the start of our Holiday gift giving season, I propose we send them some gifts. Like several nuclear tipped cruise missiles from one of our Navy subs in the gulf. Am I being harsh? For me the answer is no, not really. This is a very practical and well thought out solution to two different dilemmas we currently face here in the U.S.

First and foremost this act would begin the inevitable war between Islam and the rest of the free world. This is going to happen sooner or later, so lets get it over with before Europe has been taken over without a shot fired. We are Americans after all and we are the ones who do the dirty work when our Eurotrash brethren get in over their heads.

Secondly and you probably didn't see this coming but it forces us to drill for our own oil right here in the good ole U.S.A. By wiping Mecca off the map we have very efficiently cut our ties to the foreign oil supply, FOR GOOD. And as an added bonus we can now remove our troops from Iraq and Afghanistan so our whiny left-wing moonbats can stop crying about war for oil.

If we as a nation are to survive we must be willing to do what must be done. Make no mistake in thinking that a new crusade against Islam is not needed. The enemy is here on our soil as evidenced by the Ft. Hood shooting. They are going to control Europe within the next 20 to 30 years; if you don't believe that just check the population growth stats. They have been working for this for the past 1,350 years and they're not stopping now.

The death cult that is Islam must be obliterated. Do I support this genocide? You bet I do, with every fiber in my being. I know the simple truth that our leaders and the pseudo-intellectuals want to deny. Read the Koran and the Hadiths if you can stomach the insane ramblings of a murderous pedophile. This is not just a religion it is way of life(servitude) that demands complete and total obedience. The very meaning of the word Islam is SURRENDER. Jihad against infidels is a requirement of this death cult.

If you believe me to be wrong just keep your head in the sand. If you think possibly that I might be right do yourself a favor and visit the following websites:,,,, and Educate yourselves and everyone else you know. Our current POTUS is a muslim sympathiser who has already put muslims in high ranking positions in the Dept. of Homeland Security. You will see the terrorist masterminds of 9/11 spewing their hatred of us when they stand trial in New York. Their beliefs ARE the widely held beliefs of the rest of the Islamic world. We are kaffirs and must die, submit to slavery or convert there is no alternative in their eyes.

The A

Thursday, November 12, 2009

I would vote for this guy

Gov. Rick Perry of Texas laying out some truth.

The A

Monday, November 9, 2009

New Yorkers are gutless

I found this clip on Jihad Watch. How could any American walk by and not react in a violent fashion with these dimwits spouting off. The very fact this goes on in broad daylight on the streets of New York City astounds me. The American city hardest hit by terrorists just lets this shit go on?? Sure they have freedom of speech and freedom of religion. But this type of thing cannot be allowed to happen. To dishonor our troops and praise their attacker is something I would not allow to go unanswered. This type of behavior can not be tolerated and would definitely be dealt with in an extremely violent response had this happened in the South. Come on New Yorkers! Where are your balls? The enemy is here on our shores and they must be dealt with.

The A

Friday, November 6, 2009

Classless? Clueless? Or just an Asshole?

The absolute disdain Maobama has for our troops is truly sickening. When I saw the first video last year honoring 9/11 victims, I knew he had no class or at least was ignorant of how things are supposed to be done. At least McCain showed him how to do it properly. The video from last night just completely blew my mind. This is what happens when you elect an elitist left-wing moonbat. The total lack of respect for our dead and wounded soldiers and civilians on our home soil. Absolutely disgusting.

The A

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Judge Him By The Company He Keeps

The visitor log to the White House was released on Oct. 30th. Some notables include- William Ayers(Weather Underground terrorist), Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Jeremiah Wright(race baiting anti-Semites), Malik Shabazz(head of the New Black Panther Party), George Soros(convicted of insider trading and hero to the left wing), Andrew Stern(head of SEIU) and finally John Podesta(Board member of the Apollo Alliance and President of the Center for American Progress. Now, just mix in the members of the "Chicago political machine" Rahm Emmanuel, Valerie Jarrett and all their cronies and you get one hell of a rancid smell coming from Pennsylvania Ave. I wonder how much it will cost the taxpayers to fumigate the White House in 2012?

The A

The Greatest American - Part 3

Why do so many of have such love in our hearts for Dutch? Watch the video!

The A

The Greatest American - Part 2

Ronnie on the most important issue of our current POTUS and Congress.

The A

Friday, October 30, 2009

Death Wish for Generations X and Y

A mere ten years after the release of one of my favorite movies ever, Boondock Saints 2 - All Saints Day hits theaters in New York and L.A. tonight. The reviews have been harsh to say the least. I for one say f**k the reviewers and their opinions. The first Saints movie was panned as a horrible attempt at a Tarantino flick. I don't see it that way at all and am quite sure there are plenty of people who would agree with me. I see the original Boondock Saints as my generations "Death Wish". I'm quite sure the critics would hate Death Wish if it was released today too. This is not a movie franchise that will win Academy Awards, it's just good old fashioned blood "n" guts American movie making at it's finest.

Can this movie be as good as the first? Will it live on in infamy on DVD like it's predecessor? Could Director Troy Duffy possibly top the outrageous gay FBI agent Smecker, played completely over the top by Willem Dafoe? These questions will be answered soon enough and for all of the elitist movie reviewers already panning this flick.....take a chill pill and let's have some fun with a few laughs and a whole lot of dead bad guys.

The A

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

The Greatest American

Amazing to think that his words spoken over 40 years ago apply so well with what is happening today.

The A

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Economic Stimulus

Sometime this year, we taxpayers may again receive an Economic Stimulus payment. This is a very exciting program.

I'll explain it using the Q and A format:

Q. What is an Economic Stimulus payment?

A. It is money that the federal government will send to taxpayers.

Q. Where will the government get this money?

A. From taxpayers.

Q. So the government is giving me back my own money?

A. Only a smidgen.

Q. What is the purpose of this payment?

A. The plan is for you to use the money to purchase a high-definition TV set, thus stimulating the economy.

Q. But isn't that stimulating the economy of China ?

A. Shut up.

The Mormon

Monday, October 12, 2009

So Bush was evil and controlled by Karl Rove huh?

For 8 years I heard the nonsensical ramblings of the Bush-hating Left crying that Karl Rove and Halliburton were controlling Pres. Bush. Hmmm, If Bush was a puppet, can it also be assumed that Obama is one as well?

Who got the New Messiah elected? A grand coalition of left-wing nut jobs that pretty much starts with George Soros and ends with A.C.O.R.N.

During the debates the question of experience and policy making was posed to Obama. He replied that he would surround himself with the greatest minds on every subject. Boy oh boy, did you guys fall for that one, hook, line and sinker. Lets look at who he has surrounded himself with.

The following are Obama's BIG THREE:

1. The Apollo Alliance: A so-called grass roots organization dedicated to the "energy independence" of the U.S. Founded by Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA), Leo Gerard International President of the United Steelworkers, Rep. Jesse Jackson Jr. (D-IL) and Carl Pope Executive Director of The Sierra Club. The group has worked tirelessly to make sure that NO drilling for oil offshore or on is done here in the U.S. So much for energy independence. The Apollo Alliance is the group that wrote the stimulus package for Obama.

2. A.C.O.R.N. : Do I really have to say anything about these idiots? LOL

3. SEIU (Service Employees International Union): A union originally set up for custodial service workers that was hijacked by left-wing fanatics with the help of the aforementioned A.C.O.R.N. The members of SEIU have been the foot soldiers in Obama's war to nationalize healthcare.

The three outfits above have a very generous benefactor by the name of George Soros. Soros is responsible for the Centers For American Progress,,, and America Coming Together- all of which are radical left-wing groups. His net worth is believed to be 11 billion dollars and he uses millions of that to promote his left-wing ideology.

Now for the people Obama surrounds himself with.

1. William Ayers: The former Weather Underground leader who bombed police stations and the Pentagon. This unrepentant piece of human filth should have been executed decades ago. Ayers recently admitted to ghost-writing one of Obama's books. So much for Obama saying he knew Ayers but that they weren't close.

2. Van Jones: Self proclaimed communist and black radical. He was outed by Glenn Beck of Fox News and Breitbart and resigned his position as Green Jobs Czar for the Obama administration.

3. Kevin Jennings: A crusader for all things gay, lesbian or trans-gender. He violated state law as a teacher for not reporting sex between an underage student and an adult. He is still working for Obama and is the Safe Schools Czar.

Unfortunately, this is just the tip of the iceberg. There will be more radical leftist ideologues outed in the coming months. Each one could be even more repulsive than the last. We needed unions and radicals running this country about as much as I need another hole in my head.

The A

Friday, October 9, 2009

Nobel Peace Prize Has No Meaning

I woke up today with a semi-positive outlook on the world as whole. Then I checked the news. Have I been transported to an alternate universe, where up is down, and black is white? In my youth I was certain that only the most deserving and highly qualified were ever given a Nobel Prize. After some internal debate with the many voices in my head, I checked the list of winners of the Nobel Peace Prize. Honestly, I think Obama belongs on this list. Let's take a look at a few recent winners, shall we?

In 1994 the P.L.O terrorist Yassir Arafat won. This was awarded to him for his work in spreading peace(suicide bombers) in the Middle East.

In 2001 the prize was awarded to Secretary General of the U.N. Kofi Annan. This must have been for his quashing of the Rwandan Genocide. Oh wait, he didn't stop that did he? In fact it is still going on. Isn't it?

In 2002 (the worst president in U.S. history) Jimmy Carter got the award as a slap to the face of then current president George W. Bush. I guess you get the prize for defending brutal dictators like Saddam Hussein, Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez.

In 2005 Dr. Mohamed Mostafa ElBaradei the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency won for his outstanding efforts in denying North Korea and Iran the capability of producing nuclear weapons. Oh wait that's not right is it?

In 2007 former Vice President of the United States of America Al Gore won for his tireless work to fight global warming. LMAO. Good ole Al, he who invented the internet and profits from pollution on the family land in Tennessee. I could write for days on this asshole.

Now, here we are today POTUS Barrack Hussein Obama has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. For what? Has he accomplished anything? It must be for apologizing for all the past evil that we as Americans have perpetrated on the rest of humanity.

I thought when I woke up I was in an alternate universe, after further review I must conclude that I'm just living the nightmare that is our world.

The A

Monday, October 5, 2009

History Repeating Itself.....

The fight goes on in Afghanistan, whether people agree with it or not. U.S. General McChrystal is asking for a surge in the number of troops to keep the Taliban from regrouping. Chairman Maobama has let two weeks go by since the request was made, with no answer. Our Dear Leader's National Security Adviser (ret)Gen. James Jones has come out against McChrystal.

My questions are simple. Do we have that short of a memory? Did we learn nothing from the disaster that was Vietnam? The answer to both questions is a resounding NO. However, we must now look at our civilian leadership a little more closely. The people in the White House and in Congress right now , are the same people who were spitting on my father when he returned from Vietnam. The Left is against all forms of violence, even when justified. They were against the invasion of both Iraq and Afghanistan from the beginning.

The Obama Administration has followed in the grand footsteps of Lyndon B. Johnson since they took over. The most important lesson that should have been taken from the Vietnam War is that politicians should let the commanders on the battlefield make the decisions. Afghanistan will get completely out of control and we will lose way to many troops if the idiots in Washington stay the course. We have the most well trained and technologically superior fighting force the world has ever known. I fear that the Libtards will let this turn in to another cluster-fuck like Somalia and we will turn tail and run, empowering our enemies overseas even more. Here's hoping I'm wrong.

The A

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hollywood defends the indefensible

After 32 years of hiding in plain sight, convicted child rapist Roman Polanski is being held in Switzerland awaiting extradition back to the U.S. In 1978 Polanski plead guilty to one count of unlawful sexual conduct with a minor. The plea deal was facilitated with the help of the victim's family, as they did not want the child to have to testify in open court. Make no mistake THIS was RAPE plain and simple. Is there anyone other than the "Prophet Mohammed" who would defend a man in his 40's having forced sex with a 13 year old? Believe it or not but the answer is YES.

Liberal Hollywood has rallied to defend this disgrace of a man. A quote from the talented and brilliant(sarc) Whoopie Goldberg- " It wasn't rape-rape. " So in Whoopie's mind giving a 13 year old little girl champagne and a Quaalude and then forcing both vaginal and anal sex on her is not rape??!!! I am shocked , I was almost certain that that would be the very definition of rape! My whole value system must be completely out of kilter.

Many have said over the blogosphere that it is time for Roman to face prosecution, they must be either stupid or misinformed. He plead GUILTY!!! He must be brought back to California to begin serving his prison sentence. The Attorney General of California should make damn sure the this sick, twisted piece of shit serves every single day of the sentence that was handed down. To HELL with Hollywood and anyone else that would dare defend Polanski. Go here if you think maybe I got it wrong:

  • The A

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Pot Calling The Kettle...Well You Know

The former POTUS (and The A's least favorite relative) has opened his idiotic mouth AGAIN. He stated that Rep. Joe Wilson's outburst at Chairman Maobama "YOU LIE!!" was based on racism and followed that sentiment off with stating that most of the opposition to the grand exalted leader is due to bigotry. Well if anyone knows about bigotry and hatred it's good ole Jimmah. The man that funds his "Carter Center" with millions of dollars from Arab(Muslim) backers. Considering Jimmy is the preeminent Jew hater among non-muslims on the planet, maybe he knows a thing or two about bigotry. The thing is, for myself and virtually everyone I know, the hatred we have for Obama has nothing to do with his race and everything to do with his policies and motives. Cousin Jimmy needs to just sit down and STFU.

The A

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Evan Sayet is my Hero

This is a speech on how the Liberal mind works. I am truly in awe of how he has captured the true essence of the "Modern Liberal". The video is roughly 48 minutes long and worth watching every single second.

The A

Monday, September 14, 2009

The Cultural Elite Of Hollyweird

Do these dimwits actually think any rational human being would listen to anything they say? Only a complete idiot would follow the lead of Charlie (I'm a 9-11 truther) Sheen or Sean (Saddam is a great guy) Penn. The problem is that there are a small minority of people in this country that do think as these morons think. I believe one has been elected POTUS.

It is quite a shame that Danny Glover has turned out to be just another America hating left-wing moonbat. I used to watch his movies (not anymore). Susan and Tim have been on my boycott list for many years. I just wish Hollywood would learn to keep it's mouth shut. My boycott list has gotten so long I hardly watch t.v. or movies anymore.

The A

Thursday, September 10, 2009

9/11 National Day of Service My Ass

Tomorrow will be September 11th, 2009; the eight year anniversary of the most horrible terrorist attack in U.S. history. Dear leader and his minions in Congress have decided to change this date on our calender from a National Day of Remembrance to a National Day of Service. This is a completely unacceptable action. Every year that goes by, more and more Americans seem to forget what happened, especially New Yorkers, who were the hardest hit.

3,000 people were wiped off the face of the earth by muslim terrorists. Notice I did not say radical or extremist muslims. The reason for that is they were not radical or extreme, they were in fact devout muslims following the orders of the Quran. We have been in a so-called "War on Terrorism" since that day in 2001. However, our enemy has been at war with us non-stop for the last 1,350 years. Our government has been blinded by the oil rich muslim countries of the Middle East. Bush did not understand that the Saudis and Pakistanis only appear to be our allies; they are not. Chairman Maobama was raised as a muslim- he knows they are not, but that won't stop him from playing their game.

Our enemies use our freedoms against us. We have groups living in our own country planning and training to carry on this jihad against us. And of course they have mouthpieces such as C.A.I.R. to tell us Islam is a religion of peace. Our Left-wing media falls all over themselves defending Islam. We cannot defeat terrorism until we as a people understand that the religion of Islam and all that adhere to it's philosophies are the true enemy of freedom and the American way of life.

I will never serve the Chocolate Jesus or any of his followers just like I would never believe anything uttered by the Prophet Mohammed(may he burn in everlasting hell). I will mourn the loss of my countrymen every 11th of September until the day I die.

The A

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

We Don't Need Obama Care

I had surgery today. For the second time in two years I had a lipoma (fatty benign tumor) removed from the back of my head. The first time I had medical insurance, the second time I did not.

Which surgery cost more?? The sheep of the land would naturally say the first was.....and they would most definitely be wrong. At the time of my first surgery I was paying $232.00 a month for this wonderful medical insurance that Chairman Maobama and Nancy Pelosi seem to think is so necessary for all Americans. Due to the conditions laid out by my insurance company, I had to see my regular doctor first and get a referral. This cost me another $30.00 plus time away form work that cost me at least $45.00. The visit to see the surgeon to schedule the procedure cost me $25.00 and at least another $50.00 from missing work. The surgery was performed at a hospital and the bill was over $3000.00. The Insurance covered all but $800.00. So out of pocket expenses were a grand total of $1132.00. Wow! Where would I be without the oh so very important medical insurance?

Surgery #2 comes today, long after I cancelled my medical insurance and a few months since I lost my job. The horror of it all! I have to borrow money from my mother to pay for this procedure. How much is it going to cost??? First off, I know what the problem is so I skip the visit to my regular doctor (savings $70.00). I go see my dermatologist, who also does surgical procedures just like this one (cost $70.00). We schedule the procedure for the following week. That day is today. I have the procedure in the surgical room in his office and my mother pays the bill. She takes me home and gets my prescription for Tylenol 3 for me. The cost is?? $550.00 for the surgery and $12.00 for the prescription. Sooooo, the grand total without insurance: $632.00.

So, now , the real questions are : Do we really need to bankrupt this country for the Dumbocrat socialized health care plan? Would I have been able to get this done in such a timely fashion? If their plan to destroy our system goes through would my highly skilled and seasoned doctor have even performed this surgery for me?

The answer to those three questions is the same. A resounding NO! My doctor has already informed me that if we end up with a "single payer" system he will retire from practice. I'm quite sure he wouldn't be the only one. I have quite a headache from not only the surgery but just the thought Congress controlling my every medical need.

The A

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Michael Moore is a LOSER

Michael Moore's new "documentary" will open in October. It will be just another left-wing America hating work of fiction by the most acclaimed "documentary film maker" of our time. This moonbat has become a multi-millionaire making left-wing propaganda films that are bereft of any real facts. This film will be nothing new.

This fat slob has the lunatic fringe salivating over his latest work of shit. (oops that was supposed to say art. My bad!) The box office numbers will surely tell the tale as to whether or not America has truly seen through the Libtard way of thinking that has blinded it for the last few years. The mindless sheep that would actually spend money to see any of "Fat Bastard's" work should be culled from our herd IMHO.

I'm quite sure the film critics of our esteemed MSM will fall all over themselves with praise for this piece of America hating shit. (both the film and Michael Moore) I just hope this morbidly obese troll dies of the heart attack that is surely coming soon. Maybe we'll get lucky and he'll have one premiering the film in Cuba.

The A

Friday, September 4, 2009


Mark down September 8th on your calender, not because that is the day of The Atheist's birth, but for a far more sinister reason. The White House has a special message for all public schoolchildren. They say it is about education but this has the looks of a "Hitler Youth" type program written all over it.

Many would say I'm overreacting to this, but what would they say if this had been former POTUS George W. Bush. The "left-wing moonbats" would have raised an unbelievable ruckus. With the information that keeps coming out about all the Marxist/Socialist/Communist/America haters that Chairman Maobama has appointed as Czars does this kind of activity not scare you a little?

The Chocolate Jesus has already said he wants a national civilian security force to be as big, powerful and well funded as the military. This could be viewed very much the same as Hitler's Brown Shirts. The vast majority of this new organization is already in place as members of ACORN and SEIU. So the idea of the "Obama Youth" doesn't sound so far fetched to me. Imagine your children "captive audience" in public "government" school being asked to serve their President aka The Superintendent In Chief. The White House has already tried to get citizens to report other citizens for having dissenting views of their cherished leader. Is this where they have your children inform on you?

September 8th should be National Skip Day for all of America's youth. Keep your children home in protest of Chairman Maobama and his cabal of America hating left-wingers. Show them that WE THE PEOPLE STILL HAVE THE POWER.

The A

Friday, August 28, 2009


The CDC is rushing trials of the H1N1 flu virus vaccine and trying along with the government and the W.H.O. to cause a panic over this supposed imminent "pandemic". I for one will have nothing to do with this vaccine or their fear-mongering.

Before you get the idea that I'm a bit loony. hear me out. This whole thing smells quite fishy to me. The fact that this virus is spreading right when the Democrats are pushing so hard for Government run health care, just doesn't sit well with me. Would they? Could they use this whole situation to their advantage? Do YOU trust this government to truly have YOUR best interests at heart? Do you know anyone with the "swine flu"?

I cannot and will not trust this government to protect me from anything or anyone; be it the flu or terrorists. If you or your loved ones take this vaccine and something bad happens; don't say you weren't warned.

The A

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Trashing The Dead Is What I Do

The love-fest for dear old Teddy is in full swing in the media. (I might just toss my cookies.)
Let's look at some of Edward's accomplishments, shall we?

1. Got kicked out of Harvard for cheating. Hmmm rule/law breaking ran in the family. Look up Joe Kennedy.
2. Got off with 2 months probation for driving into a lake (most undoubtedly drunk) and leaving Mary Jo Kopechne to drown in the vehicle while he went back to his hotel to work on an alibi.
3. Was instrumental in Congress pulling all funding of the South Vietnamese after our troops were pulled out. This action directly led to the slaughter of thousands upon thousands of innocent people by the North Vietnamese.
4. He was a Kennedy, that in and of itself is enough to earn my scorn.

Do not be fooled; the world is a far better place without the esteemed "Lion of the Senate".

The A

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Teddy Joins His Brothers In Hell

Oh, I'm gonna have a good day today! I'm quite sure the Mormon will do a jig when he hears that Senator Slimeball from Mass. is taking the eternal dirt nap. Let the media frenzy begin!! It will be such a joy to hear how we should all be saddened by the passing of this fatass piece'o'shit. I'm quite sure that Joe, John, Robert and Satan have welcomed him properly into Hell. Now if only the rest of Congress would follow Teddy's lead and drop fucking dead...

The A